Justice has been done for the mentally disabled lady whose mother had to fight the system to overturn the court order made by Justice Nathalie Lieven to kill her 22-week unborn baby.
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The statistics came out yesterday giving us an insight into how many unborn children were killed by abortion in the United Kingdom last year. The most obvious statistic in this report is the overall number of abortions performed, the highest ever recorded of 205,295.
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Clearly this has been a very painful time for Theresa May. Not managing to do what she’d set her heart on. We all experience this at some time in our lives, and we have ways of coping with the disappointment.
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A few days ago, the pro-life community and all those who acknowledge the humanity of unborn children were shaken to the core: Ireland voted "yes" to repeal the 8th amendment which gave equal protection to the lives of both mothers and their unborn children. It is almost impossible to conceive that such a life-affirming piece of legislation could be uprooted in a western society which claims to be democratic and in favour of freedom and the common good of all.
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Let’s be clear at the outset, abortion is not safe, due to the fact it intentionally kills an innocent human being in the only place they were meant to be during the first nine months of their lives, their mother’s womb. The 1967 Abortion Act removed the most basic human right, the right to life and protection before birth from all who were conceived in the past 50 years in the UK.
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Buffer zones around abortion clinics are not about protecting individuals, i.e. women, but about protecting business. The current laws already protect women and all people against harassment.
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An open letter from one of our supporters in response to the Home Affairs Committee debate on buffer zones.
For the attention of all Honourable Members of Parliament,
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Why is a Group of Socialists and Students Trying to Shut Down Activist Group?
The anti-abortion group Abort67 is coming to Leeds this week, where they will display large graphic abortion banners in the public square as part of their national ‘Awakening Tour’. They will set up on public land near to the entrance of Leeds University.
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Just pinched myself to be sure this is not just a very bad dream. Or ‘fake news’:
Bpas have been nominated for Charity of the Year at this year’s ‘Charity Times Awards’
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