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Challenging Views on Abortion

CBR UK educates society on the humanity and value of unborn children and the reality of "abortion".

We use images, science and statistics rather than opinions. This allows individuals to come to their own conclusions after considering all of the relevant information.

Social Reform and Images

The history of social reform teaches us the power of images in:

  • raising awareness of an issue
  • changing public opinion
  • bringing about social reform

We use images showing the unborn child before and after abortion. This conveys the reality in a single glance.

8 week living embryo

8 week living embryo

8-week aborted embryo

8 week aborted embryo

Reaching the Public

We educate through:

  • Public speaking/presentations
  • Public Education Displays
  • Social media

We signpost those affected by abortion to www.postabortsupport.com (PASE).

We offer hope to those who find themselves in an expected or challenging pregnancy through our HOPE Pregnancy project.

Seeing a Change

As a result of our educational and supportive work, we are seeing:

  • minds changed on abortion
  • lives saves
  • individuals and teams advocating for the unborn

By training and raising up advocates, we are reaching more people.

As a society changes its views, it changes its behaviour. It is our vision that every unborn child’s right to life is upheld and abortion is unthinkable.

CBR UK stands for the Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK, and there are affiliates of the Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform around the world.

Our Work

Public Education

Public Education

Find out about our Public Education Displays and presentations that are challenging views on abortion

Train Advocates

Train Advocates

Training and webinar programmes to equip advocates for the unborn

For Churches

For Churches

BREPHOS is our project equipping churches to speak out for the unborn

For Schools

For Schools

Our materials "You are Amazing" and "What do you Think About Abortion?" is available for schools, home schooling and youth clubs. Educating the next generation to value every human life, at all stages.

Pregnancy Help

Pregnancy Help

'HOPE' is a new project of CBR UK. It is a Gospel centred, missional, pro-life model of pregnancy centre support. It brings truth and grace to those in a difficult pregnancy situation, a lighthouse to share hope in Christ, offering support and advice.