What a week for the pro-life cause in America - I almost don’t know where to begin!
Four days after the Inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States, the March for Life celebrated 51 years on Friday in Washington D.C. The march first began on the one year anniversary of Roe v. Wade in January 1974, and has gone from strength to strength ever since.
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It’s a tradition in our house to tune into the King’s (formerly Queen’s) speech on Christmas Day. I can’t say I normally listen to the Pope’s New Year message, but on this occasion it contained something very interesting.
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Trump is like a caricature of the good, the bad and the ugly! But where do the scales end up? Is there enough good to balance out the bad and the ugly? There is so much noise and (dare I say) ‘misinformation’ around the enigma that is Donald Trump (and his incoming administration), it’s hard to know where to begin.
Our main concern, as always, is protecting innocent life. So what does Trump’s re-election really mean for the pro-life movement once you cut through all the noise and hysteria?
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Normally when you think about retirement, you think of relaxing cruises, gardening, grand child duties or perhaps an elongated visit to a sauna.
The threat of fines, bailiffs, raised blood pressure, or the torture of waiting for the British legal system to kick into gear, is far from the picturesque retirement brochure. Yet this is exactly how David Skinner’s retirement is panning out. The 79 year old pro-life activist, and Bournemouth resident is currently awaiting trial having had his court date postponed last Wednesday.
His crime - sending an email!
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The word Orwellian is generally overused, but it’s difficult to rein in the 1984 references on this one. George Orwell may have been off by 40 years in his prophetic novel, but like Jules Verne before him (think Nautilus from 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea), his imaginings have turned out to be alarmingly - and quite terrifyingly - accurate.
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It’s no secret that I like American politics. Most of my friends think I’m crazy (although some ask for election updates), but I just can’t help but find it fascinating. I think it started with the abortion debate. In the UK, we generally accept that our country is pro-choice by default. There is no mainstream political party that runs on a pro-life platform, and it just doesn’t cross the minds of most that abortion is something we should restrict, or even that it’s wrong on any level.
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We come to your church and have a wonderful testimony of God’s grace. We share that we have had an abortion and you think you know what we are talking about - something that we don’t need to upset ourselves over. You tell us that we’re forgiven and we must not revisit what has been dealt with.
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The Keswick Convention is the oldest and most prestigious evangelical conference in the UK. I know many who have contributed to and benefited from it over the years. It is known as something of an evangelical bastion, as promoting sound doctrine, holding the line on key issues, etc. Yet sadly, like many evangelical institutions today, it now appears to be "saddened" not by the heinous evil in its midst but by the potential loss of its own reputation before the world.
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As abortion rates in the UK reach unprecedented levels, fifteen pro-life Tory MPs have just lost their seats. Things are looking dire for unborn babies. However, hope remains as independent candidates rise up to speak for life.
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