On Wednesday, around 35 people participated in a pro-life demonstration in Walthamstow, organised by a coalition of pro-life groups. We were responding to the extreme amendments the local MP, Stella Creasy, has put forward as part of The Criminal Justice bill. Her amendments would remove sections 58, 59 and 60 of the Offences Against the Person Act - which would remove protections from the unborn child - essentially meaning women could abort their babies at home up to birth, and even conceal the birth and dispose of the baby’s body, without fear of prosecution.
The 2 hours we were in Walthamstow, holding up images of the living baby in the womb and speaking with passersby, there were possibly 3 people who showed opposition to our presence there. For example, just shouting “pro-choice” as they walked by. The majority of the public were shocked to hear the MP’s dangerous plans and were grateful to be informed. The police were there protecting our right to protest, and happy to see everything went by peacefully without any incident.
Watch some video footage from the day:
Harassment or free speech?
That evening, after the demonstration, we were surprised (yet not so much!) to see that MP Stella Creasy posted this statement on all of her social media platforms, with a link to report us to the council for “anti-social behaviour”:
Mainly pro-life and pro-freedom individuals responded on her X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook posts. One user commenting:
“If ur trying to stop a peaceful public demonstration from being held, you are anti-free speech. Magna Carta, anyone?”
Her statement on Instagram had many comments from her pro-abortion supporters, with one user ironically commenting:
“Banning abortion impacts so negatively across families. I wish these activists would be more active on something like children’s rights.”
Here was our response to Stella Creasy:
As well as the joint pro-life demonstration, CBR UK had distributed 20,000 postcards to homes in the Walthamstow constituency.
It is important to stress that during this campaign - we have ONLY used images of LIVING babies in the womb. And this is not the first time Stella Creasy has called these beautiful living images “graphic”, or called for our very appearance to be reported to the authorities.
CBR UK’s history with MP Stella Creasy
Four years ago, when Stella Creasy was hijacking another bill (the Domestic Abuse bill) to “decriminalise” abortion, as well as a series of Public Education displays in Walthamstow, we paid for a billboard featuring a “9-week living fetus” (shown in tweet below). See how Stella responded to us back then:
Here’s a summary of our 2019 #StopStella campaign in Walthamstow:
With a media storm ensuing, Stella consistently refused to debate with us on any programme. We even had an invitation to appear on Politics Live revoked after she told organisers she wouldn’t appear if we were on.
This article written in 2019 by Paul Embery in Unherd, sums up the problem with Stella Creasy’s anti-democratic behaviour perfectly:
“If Stella Creasy desires power without accountability, she is in the wrong job. Whatever our views on abortion, freedom and liberty demand that we have a duty to stand with the campaigners in Walthamstow.”
Amendments are withdrawn! Small victory, still we fight on!
The day after our demonstration, we heard the great news that the extreme pro-abortion amendments tabled by MPs Stella Creasy and Diana Johnson, were withdrawn at Committee stage. We celebrate this news whilst remaining vigilant to the fact they will most likely be returning at the Report stage of the bill to be debated in Parliament.
A big thank you to everyone who made a peaceful stand in Walthamstow this week. We truly raised awareness on this issue - there and beyond.
Update - 12/02/2024
MP Stella Creasy continues to peddle misinformation through this article in The Independent, accusing pro-lifers of "harassment" for showing "graphic" images of living babies in the womb.
The article includes a quote from her:
“Who do I hold to account for the fact that they have gone around Walthamstow telling local residents that I want to kill babies at birth?” Ms Creasy asked.
We are not saying that - but the amendment she wanted to introduce, would have allowed babies to be killed up to birth.
I think Ms Creasy doesn't want to lose face for the fact that her extreme amendments have been withdrawn.
Update - 22/05/2024
MP Stella Creasy wants to get our postcards banned, but fails - because: free speech! Read article in The Independent.
What can you do?
You can still sign the CitizenGo petition to stop these reckless abortion amendments.
If you’d like to be involved in future Public Education displays, please Join the Movement.