Listen as Aisling Goodison challenges abortionist Wendy Savage to describe what happens in a late term abortion. Speaking live on LBC, to comment on Jeremy Hunt's comments on the abortion limit.
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Press Release Issued by: Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK
Downloadable PDF:
Press Release: Dispatches Reply - Abortion Controversy (1284 KB)
Channel 4 Television’s broadcast of a Dispatches news documentary scheduled to air Wednesday 5th October, 2016 and produced in collaboration with Hardcash Productions contains countless defamatory accusations levelled against the Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR UK) and echoed by The Mail on Sunday.
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Abortion Supporters do Not Want to Talk About the Reality of Abortion
The BBC phoned Ruth to comment on the World Health Organisation statistics claiming that one-quarter, that’s 1 in 4, 25%, an estimated 56 million pregnancies “end in abortion” worldwide every year.
Ruth asked, essentially, “Why is this a problem if abortion doesn’t kill a human being?”
Kelley Temple, the secretary for Abortion Rights and Girlguiding advocacy manager, wanted to frame the discussion around abortion being a woman’s right and "forced pregnancy" to be wrong.
Again, we can see the abortion lobby's position is utterly indefensible - and that gets exposed every time they have to defend it.
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"There's one thing that both anti-abortion and abortion-rights activists agree on. A shift is underway in Europe..." - NBC News
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