Anti-Abortion group to take graphic educational banners to Matt Hancock’s hometown
Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK (CBR UK), who gained national media coverage last year with their #StopStella graphic abortion campaign challenging MP Stella Creasy in her Walthamstow constituency, have turned their attention to Health Secretary Matt Hancock with their latest campaign, #HancocksHealthcare.
Why Matt Hancock?
The Health Secretary rushed a healthcare plan through Parliament earlier this year, which is responsible for the deaths of an estimated 46,000 children and great harm to women’s health.
On 30th March 2020, just one week after the Coronavirus bill passed, Matt Hancock approved the largest change to abortion measures since 1967, by allowing “the home of a pregnant woman” as a place where both abortion pills can be sent, and self administered, after only a telephone consultation as short as 30 minutes.
The decision was never debated, discussed or voted on in parliament and was approved in the name of “saving lives” from COVID-19. A public consultation on making the service permanent has recently been released by the Government.
Christian Hacking, CBR UK spokesperson, comments:
“Since lockdown began, Matt Hancock has told us to ‘Stay at Home’ to ‘Protect the NHS’ and ‘Save Lives’ yet he has simultaneously approved measures that have killed around 46,000 babies and put an unnecessary strain on the NHS due to serious complications for women.
“By approving these measures, Hancock has taken us back to DIY backstreet abortions, turning a woman’s toilet into an abortion facility. If Hancock truly wants to protect the NHS and save lives it’s time for him to overturn these dangerous measures.”
What are CBR UK doing?
On Thursday and Friday of this week, CBR UK team will be displaying four large banners in Matt Hancock’s West Suffolk constituency. The graphic images on the banners depict the dangerous and tragic reality of Matt Hancock’s measures approving abortion ‘pills by post’. CBR UK will be unveiling a new banner which has never been displayed in public.
The purpose of the Public Education Display is to inform the public what happens during these at-home abortion procedures, and put pressure on the Health Secretary to reverse these dangerous measures.
This event follows a previous three hour display held on Tuesday 17th outside the Cabinet Office and Downing Street, where police challenged the nature of our work during a lockdown.
Effects of these pills on Women
Far from “protecting the NHS”, Hancock’s new measures have wreaked havoc on women's health forcing many to attend their local Accident and Emergency Departments.
This includes:
- An estimated 3200 women who underwent incomplete abortion
- “Major resuscitations and haemorrhaging”
- Blood transfusions, trauma, renal failure
- 52 cases where babies were aborted past 10 week legal limit
- A murder investigation into a baby born alive at 32 weeks
- Two maternal deaths
Women’s Testimonies:
“I have struggled to sleep, eat and function. Taken sick leave from work and everyday activities are a struggle. I am concerned for my future and have also had thoughts of suicide due to the unrelenting despair and anguish I feel. I did not have a dating scan and it all seemed very rushed to me due to the pandemic. The counselling was almost non existent and I worry about girls and women taking the pill that is currently being sent in the post. How is this helping women to make an informed choice?”
“I don’t speak for all women but I do feel it is one of the most detrimental women’s rights. To be handing out those tablets as if you are just getting rid of a headache is so sad. They are prescribed as pregnancy would have an effect on the mothers mental health! I can confirm that I had no mental health problems until I took that first tablet.”
Woman who contacted PASE (Post Abortion Support for Everyone) by email (shared with permission)
“It was a lot worse than I'd expected. The pain, the physical process was horrible”
Courtney Barnes from Kent, speaking to the Daily Mail
Photo Opportunity
- Thursday 3rd December, 12:00 - 15:00, Tayfen Road (A1302) Bury Saint Edmunds, IP33 1SZ
- Friday 4th December, 12:00 - 15:00, Bury Saint Edmunds - address to be confirmed
For more information / Contact
For more information, statistical sources and testimonies from women, visit #HancocksHealthcare webpage
Ruth Rawlins
t: 07572 455 399
Aisling Goodison
t: 0750 489 5230
Fb: @CentreForBioEthicalReformUK
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