When "Choice" Feels Like No Choice: Forced Abortion
Justice has been done for the mentally disabled lady whose mother had to fight the system to overturn the court order made by Justice Nathalie Lieven to kill her 22-week unborn baby.
Read moreRuth Rawlins Debates Kelley Temple on BBC Three Counties Radio
Abortion Supporters do Not Want to Talk About the Reality of Abortion
The BBC phoned Ruth to comment on the World Health Organisation statistics claiming that one-quarter, that’s 1 in 4, 25%, an estimated 56 million pregnancies “end in abortion” worldwide every year.
Ruth asked, essentially, “Why is this a problem if abortion doesn’t kill a human being?”
Kelley Temple, the secretary for Abortion Rights and Girlguiding advocacy manager, wanted to frame the discussion around abortion being a woman’s right and "forced pregnancy" to be wrong.
Again, we can see the abortion lobby's position is utterly indefensible - and that gets exposed every time they have to defend it.
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