DIY Home Abortions - What is the Government Thinking!
The government has u-turned yet again under pressure from abortion providers using the Coronavirus crisis to legalise medical abortions at home with NO medical supervision! It is a fact that medical abortions have a fourfold increase in complications compared with surgical abortions so putting women using Tele-med abortions at home at even greater risk:
A Response to BPAS campaign "We Trust Women"
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (bpas) state:
"The fight for equality has been long; it has seen setbacks and victories, joy and sacrifice. But those victories and moments of joy have been long lasting, the setbacks and sacrifice overcome, which is why every woman watching this video is standing on the shoulders of giants.”
This is a disingenuous attempt by bpas to paint the early feminists as those who would have stood with them in fighting for the right of women to end the lives of their unborn children.
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